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Variables and Datatypes

There are four primitive datatypes in Masihini Lang:

  • Integer (int)

  • Floating Point (float)

  • Boolean (boolean)

  • Character String (string)

Therefore it is possible to declare variables with these data types, also every datatype must be declared in the form of an array by adding as many brackets "[X]", "[Y]", as the user desires. Some of the supported operations for each datatype include:

* View complete documentation for more details.

  • Sum and Subtraction : supported between Integer and Floating Point

  • Division and Multiplication: supported between Integer and Floating point.

  • Relational Operations: supported between Integer and Floating Point.

  • String Concatenation : only supported between strings, designated by the operand "+".

  • Boolean Operations such as: AND (&&), Inclusive OR (||), EQUALS(==) and NOT(!).

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